आज में आपके लिए इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry|Class 9th IT Hindi Notes में लेकर आया हु | इस पोस्ट में यूनिट 1 जिसका नाम Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry|Class 9th IT Hindi Notes हैं उस यूनिट के नोट्स हैं जो आप डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं और छात्रों को पढ़ाने में उनकी और अपनी मदद कर सकते हैं |

Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry|Class 9th IT Hindi Notes

चलो हम देखते हैं Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry|Class 9th IT Hindi Notes के बारे में | जिसमे हम इन टॉपिक्स के बारे में विस्तार से समझ सकते हैं |

  • कंप्यूटर और कंप्यूटर पार्ट्स 
  • हार्डवेयर और सॉफ्टवेयर 
  • इनपुट डिवाइस और आउटपुट डिवाइस 
  • स्टोरेज डिवाइस 
  • BPO सर्विस 
  • Use of IT in various Field like Education, Science, medical, Sports, Library, daily life .

Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry|Class 9th IT Hindi Notes

Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry|Class 9th IT Hindi Notes

Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry|Class 9th IT Hindi Notes

Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry|Class 9th IT Hindi Notes

Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry|Class 9th IT Hindi Notes

Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry|Class 9th IT Hindi Notes

Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry|Class 9th IT Hindi Notes

में आशा करता हु आपको मेरी पोस्ट अच्छी लगी होगी | आप मुझे फेसबुक पेज पर भी follow कर सकते हो | मेरे पेज का नाम Study material हैं |

BPO सर्विस
  • BPO सर्विस 

  • BPO सर्विस 

Use of IT in various Field like Education, Science, medical, Sports, Library, daily life .
  • Use of IT in various Field like Education, Science, medical, Sports, Library, daily life .

Use of IT in various Field like Education, Science, medical, Sports, Library, daily life .
Use of IT in various Field like Education, Science, medical, Sports, Library, daily life .

Use of IT in various Field like Education, Science, medical, Sports, Library, daily life .

Use of IT in various Field like Education, Science, medical, Sports, Library, daily life .

Use of IT in various Field like Education, Science, medical, Sports, Library, daily life .
Use of IT in various Field like Education, Science, medical, Sports, Library, daily life .

Use of IT in various Field like Education, Science, medical, Sports, Library, daily life .

Use of IT in various Field like Education, Science, medical, Sports, Library, daily life .

Use of IT in various Field like Education, Science, medical, Sports, Library, daily life .

Use of IT in various Field like Education, Science, medical, Sports, Library, daily life .

Use of IT in various Field like Education, Science, medical, Sports, Library, daily life .

में आशा करता हु आपको मेरी पोस्ट अच्छी लगी होगी | आप मुझे फेसबुक पेज  पर भी follow कर सकते हो | मेरे पेज का नाम Study material हैं |